EVAREIUM Real Estate Investment through Blockchain.


The first private real estate investment platform to incorporate full blocking blocking. A 100% managed investment platform is owned for the benefit of the investor itself - providing a measurable return on the sustainable assets acquired and sold in the ecosystem cycle model.

Evareium offers an opportunity to invest in a personalized tokenized personal investment platform with a mandate to continue investing in a robust project - thereby providing a strong potential for all acquisitions and sales carried out and managed by the Evareium team for ever.

The plan is to target only the acquisition of real estate assets outside of the most profitable markets and markets with high capital growth and strong investment return potential that provides instant liquidity opportunities through tokenized blockchain exchanges.
On the basis of previous funding rounds, Vaireium is supported by many private founding investors. The project has reached a critical early stage ready for full recognition and progress in raising funds for asset acquisitions.

The first official launch of sales of eareumium tokens through our online subscription dashboard began on February 1, 2018. ITO will run in three stages until the end of April 2018, but may be extended. Whatever EVM we do not sell will eventually burn.


In partnership with leading Blockchain experts, we have made 150,000,000 EVM tokens with the goal of investing at least $ 90 million in equity capital in select real estate and project assets in Dubai / UAE and elsewhere, with an annual target of strong investment returns.


The real estate sector of the Gulf Cooperation Council offers a great opportunity for institutional investment, which typically accounts for only 20% of the institutionalized real estate assets, compared to 70% in developed markets. In addition, we choose the option to meet the global risk / reward criteria.


- EVM through the economic interests of the asset / investment - Incom investment portfolio acquisition results, resulting rental and profit on Disposal.
- EVT through intrinsic buildup as a one-way token and as the backbone for transactional flow through portfolio assets together with potential third-party applications (currently in discussions with those managing 90 properties) for wider use outside the Vaureium real estate portfolio.

market opportunity

This results in a fragmented and weak capital structure, disconnected ownership with substantial differences in the quality of product and service offerings, and lack of management discipline and high quality product and security standards.

When GCC becomes like other developed countries, and institutionalize
The real estate sector, worth US $ 2 trillion in institutional capital over the next decade, brings huge opportunities for M & A. In addition, part of the sharp increase or decline experienced by the GCC real estate industry has matured, to the extent, apply to pre-sale real estate and retail owners, which usually lack more institutional and institutional. The game immediately helps to strengthen the market and grow the market exponentially.

Through a combination of strong management, the fundamentals of proven funding funds and the inherent security of Blockchain contracts provide tokens, we can legally minimize and add value to EVM owners, while non-traditional investors to participate in private equity and the Model gives us collecting REIT special.


Led by leading professionals from real estate, hotels, advisors, equities, equities, investments, private equity, equities, equities, investments, private equity, fintech and investment sectors worldwide for 50 years in the Middle East, Europe and North America . .

Using Blockchain-based funds, we allow token holder access

Benefits exist in certain segments of the real estate industry in the dynamic growth market Investors invest their capital directly on a single property, investors can take advantage of well-managed diversity through EVM offerings - and
Access to unreached assets and potential value creation.

This is the intention to apply an independent token exchange that occurs when and when © Evarieium 2017-2018 | White Book: First Token Token Sign The 7N Implementation will create a lower entry point for owning shares in real estate assets and Potential liquidity much larger than traditional approaches.

Private equity model, Although profitable, investors usually do not have the opportunity to exchange their interests every day. The basis for fair value of net assets. This is completely solved by EVM Token trading capabilities and when implemented, the doors will open up to billions of dollars in capital
today will essentially choose such illiquid options in a personal equity strategy
and investment discipline over traditional funds.

The proposed business model will reflect the core of private investment model investment management (similar to Blackstone Group, Abraaj Group, Oaktree, TPG Capital) - with your preferred token offer (via separate ITO) - owns EVT holders Utilize the use of the token aspect to make requests active continuously Basic EVT - potentially a lucrative business model for EVM and EVT investors.

Funds will be safe and make money through a special purpose vehicle (SPV) that they point to close to making money) real estate assets to manage a high quality portfolio. Evair Investment Management Ltd ("Manager") is a newly formed company. Troubleshooting, which manages funds exclusively.

Managers will be satisfied with real estate investments with paid revenue models. Costs charged to managers are highly weighted because of performance incentives (based on interest, calculated on the basis of individual investments).

Up to $ 90 million of managed assets planned by managers The first year of operation - enhanced through an ITO EVM offering and potentially additional ITO (EVT) and a source of traditional investors. Managers are expected to be established in the Cayman Islands as the sole manager and guard of all IMF operations.

Funds will use a strong flow of transactions because:
- A unique investment approach by targeting existing and virtually built asset niches
Private equity and leverage;
- Disseminate world-class management to promote positive capital growth opportunities;

Reduce costs by renovating and saving energy, and
- Available compression results 200 to 400 bps positive through REIT transmission
Investment Grade, a mature real estate asset to invest in an EVR token in the future
Vehicle - provides an interesting and valuable solution for EVM investors.

The exclusive outbound path for all fund investments will be an EVR or something similar to REIT. There are also ways to sell individual assets or collections
Alternatively, managers can act appropriately by selling or otherwise.




Along with the issuance of EVM to investors, we will issue to customers an EVA utility tokens, EVT, as bonus credits, which will be paid to EVM ITO. This benefit is derived from its intrinsic value and implemented as an EVT and Blockchain technology in a real estate asset that basically consists of assets that increase the value of rental rates and additional asset transactions. The cumulative value of EVT is its use and is integrated into real factory operations.

Evair Investment Management Ltd (EIM) aims to play a leading role in the development of GCC real estate sector institutions by investing private equity in risk-focused real estate investments and investing in REIT institutions that integrate token structures, management institutions to add value to assets and illiquidly printed investments in highly liquid forms result in significant returns (ie private equity tokens divided into securities that highly scalable models traded through).

By buying and selling EVM tokens, investors - by the way - sell and trade the sale of principal investment properties, which can be fast, cost-effective, personal, reliable and interchangeable, free to buy and provide to investors through them via the intelligent Ethereal ERC20 contract. Platform adapted and customized for EVM set

First ICO Release

Tokens on sale: 30,000,000 just in this release
Start date: March 1, 2018
End date: April 5, 2018
Offer price: initially US $ 0.85 per 1 EVM tokens (reflecting 15% discount to face value of US $ 1) changed by 1.25 percentage points every 7-days to 10% finally at week 5 to end of this gradual release .
BONUS credit for EVT: 50% from 1 to 7 March
 : 45% from 8 to 14 March 
 : 40% from 15 to 22 March 
 : 35% from 23 to 29 March
 : 30% from 30 March to 5 April
Token issued: a few days after the KYC / AML standard check (into the platform wallet)

Second ICO Release

Token sold: UNLIMITED
Start date: April 6, 2018
Completion date: April 30th and underway at publisher's discretion
Offer price: US $ 1 per EVM token to face value US $ 1
BONUS credit for EVT: 30% from 6 to 12 April
 : 25% from 13 to 19 April
 : 15% from 19 April onwards' till end of ITO (extended as needed)
Token issued: a few days after the KYC / AML standard check

Currency received: BTC, ETH 
Standard token: Ethereum ERC 20 through smart contract

 Initial Token Offering ("ITO") issued with a 30% 30% discount on EVM is then issued with 15% shear discount up to a nominal value of 110,000,000 EVM at nominal price (unsold token burned)

EVM Founder:
 The founders will provide an additional 10,000,000 EVM, 25% of which will be locked from sales for 5 years to align value creation with investors.

Early EVM investors receive the above discount and other ongoing rights as preferred partners, such as asset investment opportunities and first notification of further token release at special rates and most importantly for 2018, the issuance of free bonus tokens to your wallet from Evareium Blockchain Utility Token ("EVT"). Successful investors in EVM ITO will also soon get free credit towards EVT - the next token Evareium plans to launch soon in 2018 - please refer to the Roadmap section for the timeline. EVM investors who store their EVM tokens in their original wallets will take advantage of EVT tokens once launched and released in 2018. The amount of EVT bonuses received will be even greater, before the investor subscribes during the ITO EVM process.


to informasih more clearly about our project, please click the link below:

 WEBSITE:  https://evareium.io/

publisher: Ndox Bekasem 

My wallet: 0xEfD50169e00070a9132e574d7F23EDd86D34106c


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