As a P2P platform, this system allows users to decide for themselves whether to use the service and application variables. This allows almost reducing overall transaction costs. Datarius serves as a direct liaison between lenders, borrowers, and related services - managers, analysts, insurance companies, funds, trading terminals.

Our main task is to provide people from all over the world with free access and the equivalent of the maximum amount of financial products. Our primary mission is to create an entirely new transparent financial product. Provide customers with clear tools and greater opportunities. To ensure freedom of choice and action. To provide high-level automation, which will help overcome the classic stereotypes of both systems and services, and communication with consumers. To socialize fintech products through open comments to participants and transactions, through the assessment of "people" and trust limits.

 To get away from the irritating impress from the product line. To stand with customers and to provide active and competent participants with the opportunity to benefit simultaneously with the project through special functions, co-branding and partner programs. Be open and transparent in every way.

We want to show with our own example that decentralization and lack of constraints are benefits, and that financial firms can and will be partners, guides and friends.


Token info
Token: DTRC 
Platform: Ethereum 
Type: ERC20 
Price at ICO: 1 DTRC = 1 USD

Pre-sales: 35% 
Tokens for sale: 200,000,000

Investment information
Accept: ETH 
Distributed in ICO: 73% 
Soft cap: 125,000 USD Close 
hard: 67,000,000 USD


Reasons to Implement
Being a leader in the digital economy, Datarius sets itself up for the task of offering the most complete and latest set of instruments and participating in trend formation. To this end, it was decided to establish Datarius as an independent cryptobank by attracting people who were interested in developing the project - bankers - as active participants. This model fully meets the concept of Datarius cryptobank: freedom, sociality, globality, transparency, independence, high technology, and is the foundation for a more successful implementation.

Token DTRC Token

DTRC (DaTaRius Coin) - token-utility under smart contract ERC20 from Ethereal network. This is a unique access key and the only instrument to participate in the decentralized Datarius cryptobank system. The entire set of ecosystem financial products and services is based on the user's direct interaction with each other using the DTRC token. Financial products are established by system users based on predetermined rules with the help of designers. Customers independently establish and accept interaction terms by using tokens. With the transition from Datarius crypto to its own blockchain, the DTRC token will be transferred equivalent to 1 in 1.

When performing an internal system operation using a DTRC token, a service charge of 0.02% to 0.15% of the transaction amount is calculated and charged automatically. Costs are calculated using a special algorithm, taking into account factors such as number, type of operation, level of risk, assessment and type of users involved. The lowest cost is charged for the most risky operation without involving internal services and partners. Strictly following the principles of sociality, openness and freedom of choice, Crypto Datarius empowers all active holders of the DTRC sign to receive 65% of the fees and charges withdrawn directly. Distribution will be done every year, starting 2019, proportional to the number of token holder. Organizations participating in social responsibility programs are formed directly by the token holder.

The number of emitted DTRC tokens is limited and will amount to 200,000,000 DTRC at the time of activation of the emissions. Not distributed during all phases of the ITO campaign token will be burned. The determination of the maximum number of DTRC tokens circulating within the Datarius system, as well as the establishment of the system's initial development level, depends entirely on each project participant.
For the entire period of the Datarius ITO campaign, the token value is set at the $ 1 equivalent rate (one USD).

Distribution of DTRC tokens

  • Following Datarius' basic principles of sociality and system formation, his participants developed the following concepts:
  • 73% of all DTRC tokens released will be available to bankers throughout all stages of token sales.
  • 20% of the total amount will be transferred to the company's funds after the release. It was formed by the founder of the project and consists of two parts. 8% will be distributed among the project team, 12% - a reserve fund managed by a staff specialist to balance the economic model of the Datarius ecosystem.
  • 7% removable token will be considered as a direct bonus before the end of ITO. Datarius bonus funds are divided into two parts: 2% of the total token issued will be a prize campaign fund, people and companies providing exclusive support for the project will use 5% of the total number of tokens as bonuses.

Token Sales Structure

The iCrypto SA company team has been working on the Datarius project since January 2017. By the time the ITO campaign was launched, most of the preparations were made:

  • market analysis and marketing research.
  • project preparation
  • basic legal preparation and registration of legal entities.
  • application for DPL license
  • initial partner search.
  • model description
  • Early work on developing reference terms.
  • the development of user versions of pre-alpha versions.
  • PR and marketing strategies.

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publisher: Ndox Bekasem


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